The Soviet Army

Title:Afghanistan: Soviet Vietnam
Author:Vladislav Tamarov
Publication Date:May 1992
Number of pages:183
Publisher:Mercury House

Review by Anthony Winning:

This book is not for those who wish to study Soviet tactics in Afghanistan, nor for those who want to concentrate heavily on the operations and battles of the war. Instead, this is the story of Vladislav Tamarov at the age of nineteen being sent to Afghanistan to fight a bloody war.

This work is Vladislav’s tale and personal reflections of his experiences in Afghanistan as a sapper in the Airborne Assault Force. It focuses heavily on his emotional experiences, the loss of his friends and the psychological impact that the war had on him.

He has included many of his own personal photos which makes the situation in many ways much more tangible, as you can actually see the faces of the people he writes about. This books is really about the personal journey of the author through his Afghan war experience and how it has effected his life.